Tuesday 26 May 2020

Tuesday 26th May 2020

Mornin' all.

9 hours and 23 minutes of sleep overnight apparently and oh boy did I need it❗  I've taken my pills and they are quickly kicking in so my body obviously needed them too.  Time to take the puppy for her stroll 🐾 now, then come home and carry on studying.

Back now and we're both totally wiped out.  Got a few photos of the senior puppy dog that I'm gonna put up first, before I start studying.

Photos are up, Steve's gone for his medical appointment, I've given the puppy her lunch and paid the vets for Mitzi's thyroid pills... the signed-for posting cost over ⅓ of the entire bill 'cos the pills were £11.95 and the first-class signed postage was £4❗❗  She's getting expensive in her old age, but sooo worth it to me❗

Just got back from the puppy's second stroll 🐾 of the day, fed her and now we're both recovering from our two walks today.  According to my Fitbit app, the afternoon strolls during the week are about 1500 steps and I'm comfortably over my 5k daily steps target now.

I did a course on Alison while Steve was getting his legs changed and scored a huge 95% on it, which is awesome for me.  Was going to do another course, but don't reckon I will now otherwise I'll get stressed out before I head to bed again.

I've also just had an email from PayPal to say that they've closed the case in my favour about the Charge 3 that didn't work and the refund will be in my account within 30 days, which is fantastic❗  Thank you PayPal❗  I'm gonna email Trading Standards about it now so that they can officially stand down.  I'm just glad I used PayPal and that they found in my favour... I did what I could, but having PayPal and Trading Standards on my side definitely helped  😌

Steve's had some awesome news while he was getting his legs changed this afternoon - in 16 months he's lost 18kg❗❗  He's clinically obese so needs to lose it to get to a healthier weight and improve his general health but that's 2½ stones in less than 18 months which is incredible - WTG Steve❗

Just taken me pills, so I'm gonna publish this and shut down in a bit.  Hoping I'll be asleep before 9pm tonight to recover again.  Need to remember not to open my email programmes tomorrow until the weekly virus scan has finished and that it's the quick scan instead of the deep one this time 🙄 🤣

Off to beddy-byes now... nite nite orl.

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