Friday 1 May 2020

Friday 1st May 2020

A pinch and a punch for the first of the month 😉

Just taken my last Folic Acid, so have to phone the pharmacy to find out when my FA will be back in stock and delivered.  I got a phone call about it the other day saying that they couldn't get hold of it but I thought they meant the AP instead of the FA - woops❗

Gonna take the puppy out for her stroll, feed her, then carry on with the studying for the rest of the day... keep yer fingers crossed 🤞 that I remember everything I learnt yesterday on the end of course test❗❗

Not gonna phone the pharmacy about the FA after all... I don't want to put any more pressure on them than they are already under... I just won't take it (obviously) until they can get hold of it and deliver it.

Got a review to put up on a friend's site, a video of the puppy dog to put on my site, then I can revise and study the course I started yesterday afternoon.

That's all sorted now (the sites), so I can start studying now... BBL❗

I passed first time❗❗  I got 22 out of 30 and most of the questions were what I learnt yesterday, so that's even better❗  Time to download the certificate and put it onto my navigation site now❗

That's the certificate online now and it's gonna be the Reiki course tomorrow which is 17 modules, which'll prolly take all day and most of Sunday to, but that's OK 'cos I'm in the studying headspace now and hopefully it'll encourage my memory to improve again too, even if only slightly.

Off to bed for an early-ish night.  See you all in the morning... nite nite orl❗

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