Thursday, 29 October 2020

Another update on the grocery shopping

Estimated cost:  £44.93

Steve's stuff:  £33.38

Which means that there is only £11.55 of joint and my stuff

Take off the 50p delivery charge:  £11.05

Which means Steve's got over ⅔ of the total spend of the grocery stuff just for him but I bet he'll want me to take off something of mine (6 bottles of pop and 2 boxes of instant soup which comes to £5.50) so that he can add yet more of his own.  He wouldn't let me do that with something he was paying for, but assumes it's OK every week with our groceries.


After NaNo, the soups will come off too, which leaves me with £4.20 worth of stuff and the rest will either be Steve's stuff or joint, just like next week.  Not happy at all.

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