Friday, 5 March 2021

Book Review: "Failosophy" by Elizabeth Day

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5

I've just finished reading the introduction of this book, and if the rest of it is so friendly and supportive and accepting and stuff, then hopefully it'll end with the same 5 stars that it started of with!

I've decided... from now on, I wanna be like Clemmie.  She's been through more than I have but seems to have taken it all in her stride and never asked "why me?" which is what I've uttered numerous times over the last 20-odd years, but not any more.  Now I'm gonna start learning from my mistakes and start trying to re-imagine myself with the mantra "why NOT me?"  My Deities have obviously put these obstacles in my path so that I can learn something from them, so that's exactly what I'm gonna aim to do from now on.

I like the way Sunim thinks and talks... so much sense that I'm already thinking about how I can change myself for the better and I'm not even a quarter of the way through the book yet!

OK.  Just finished the entire book in an afternoon and I can describe the experience in just one, single, word:  "Wow!"  It's a must-read by everyone, child and adult alike, no matter if you're homeless or a celebrity.  I'm gonna try and work out how to use podcasts for the first time in my life too.  Please, buy and read this book - you won't regret it.

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