Saturday 1 June 2024

Goood morning all!

I was awake before 4am and downstairs by 5am after deciding to have a shower instead of a bath today.

I've popped my morning pills and taken my 6 morning pills with my morning glass of water and I've got an early morning mug of tea on the go now, while I wait for my morning carer... will she be an early (6.30am) carer or a later one (closer to 8am)?

I saw my brain on my most recent MRI yesterday... didn't have a clue what it all should look like, but apparently I'm potentially deteriorating which isn't great, but what I was expecting I guess.

I also uploaded then downloaded the last of May's videos yesterday, so I can get those sorted today with any luck.  I've already started June's video's with an early morning pre-carer visit video, so I've just gotta remember to take one when she leaves too.

The daily virus scan went a bit deeper 'cos it's the 1st of the month today (where on earth is the year disappearing to?!) and it found advanced and performance issues so I'll fix those when I've published this... will the performance issue fix my cursor issues?? 

This blog post is getting to be a bit on the long side, so I'm gonna publish it and put today's to-do list up while I'm waiting.


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