Sunday 2 June 2024

Goood morning all!

I've taken three of my amazing new magic pills so far and they've done more for my mood in those three days than 20+ years of taking ADs!  Other than my mood improvement, I don't have a cotton wool head either... that one pill does more than the rest of my supplements combined!

I'm not gonna have breakfast this morning 'cos I wanna save the orange juices for tomorrow and Tuesday and it'll be the same next week then hopefully my fridge freezer will be back in action again.

The daily virus scan found another advanced issue - I bet that's the MRI scans and stuff!  Yeah it was "4 sensitive documents" that were "vulnerable to attack" so it would have been the MRI scans.  I've resolved it now though, thankfully.

Just made myself a drinking choccie so I'll hopefully slurp my way through that before my last carer of the week arrives.  Gotta remember to take the rubbish and recycling out and do my laps when she's gone too and I'll have to remember to charge up my FitBit before I hit the sack tonight too.


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