Sunday, 22 March 2020

Sunday 22nd March 2020

Mornin' all.

The puppy 🐶 is hopefully coming home today❗❗  Yaaaaay❗❗  I've missed her more than usual this time around so I can't wait for her to come home now❗

After 132 hours, my laptop is still updating which is really starting to piss me off now❗  If it was a work computer then I would have lost my job by now❗

Kissed Steve for the first time in a week last night and I've felt sick ever since, so I hope I hope I haven't caught his infection... hope that it's purely psychosomatic❗

Just bought another course with the New Skills Academy site that was 100% free 'cos of it being Mothers Day over here in the UK today, so didn't want to pass up an offer like that 🤣  Reminded Steve about claiming his course that I paid for months on end ago and he still hasn't redeemed yet too.

Taken all me pills until this evening now and replenished the box ready for next week.  I've got 10 Iron pills left to take, so I'm gonna check my supplies to see if I've already got another bottle or if I need to find some cash to order some more.

Got another 180 Calcium and 240 Iron, so I obviously bought a years supply of everything except the 5-HTP, but I wanna come off that as the days start growing lighter and just use it to lift my SAD mood.

Just phoned my mum to wish her a happy mother's day - she's in self isolation because of her age and health diagnosis but she seems to be well prepared for it so far.  She had the council around last week because someone was worried about her, that she doesn't normally see for months anyway, but if they had asked one of her neighbours or the person she goes to the club with most weeks, they would have been able to tell them that she was fine and dandy, just self-isolating like most of the rest of her village was all.  She's got an email address for one of those people now, so my brother is gonna go over and help her with getting that added to her address book so that she can use it in future.  She's currently knitting poppies for VE Day and wants to send the pattern to the person who's given her the new email address, because the pattern she's been using up to now was wrong but the one my mum is using has been fine and dandy.

Apparently my brother's school (where he's the Headmaster) is one of the ones staying open for the essential services employees, so we talked about that for a while and I'm hoping he's safe and healthy now, so that he doesn't infect our mum with the Carona Virus thingy.

THE PUPPY'S HOME AGAIN❕❕❕❕  YAAAAAAY❕❕❕  Gonna take her for her afternoon stroll and hopefully take photo's of her again ready to upload when my laptop finally starts working again.

Got a couple of photo's of the puppy dog fast asleep between Steve's feet and my laptop still hasn't finished updating after over a week❗  Not happy about that at all❗❗

Taken me last pills of the day, so I'm gonna head to bed as soon as I'm tired.

Currently uploading a couple of video's of the puppy dog so I'm gonna shut down and head to bed while my mobile is finishing them off.

Nite nite orl.

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