Thursday 19 March 2020

Thursday 19th March 2020

Mornin' all

Steve hasn't been sick all night, but he's right on the verge of doing it right now, so I'm gonna fight my fear of vomit this morning and stay in the same room when he throws up.  Prolly won't be able to watch him throwing up yet, but at the weekend I would have totally freaked so I'm already making slow progress.

I've also just made my own squash which is another step forward too, but that's because I'm a short arse rather than fear  🤣

Taken the puppy for her morning stroll and she was a good little girl.  According to Fitbit it lasted for 25 minutes, so that's good going for us on a non-Monday stroll.

89 hours and still counting with the update.  Not at all happy with it... if I could work I would be out of a job by now❗

That's the puppy walked and fed for the second time today.  Just one more meal to go then that's it sorted for another day.  Hopefully Helen will come to pick her up for her medicated bath this afternoon then bring her back this evening.

Steve's just said that Helen might not be coming today after all - apparently he thinks she said around Thursday so the puppy might not be going today after all.  I'm just so thankful that she's doing it at all!

The updates have been going for more than 96 hours now without even a hint of being finished yet 😒

Taken my last pills of the day and I'm hoping they kick in soon, so that I can start to recover from the early hours start yesterday.  If my body lets me stay awake until 8.20pm I'll be in triple digits without my laptop because of the update 😒

100 hours now... I'm off to bed 🤣  Nite nite orl❗

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