Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Wednesday 4th March 2020 - part 2

That's the puppy walked and fed and my daily Calcium taken, so I'm sorted until bedtime now.  The puppy is going back with Steve's uncle this afternoon instead of his cousin this evening, so I'll need to not have my headphones on as I write this afternoon so that I can put Mitzi's lead (she's still wearing her harness after her second stroll of the day) on her and take her and her luggage to the door pretty much straight away so that Steve's uncle isn't waiting around, getting too drenched in the rain.

I'm gonna miss her so much, especially as I haven't taken any photo's of her so far in March❗ 😞  If she comes back tomorrow then that's fine with me, but she might not be back until Friday, like normal  😔  She's been fine so far though, so there's a good chance that she will be this time too, the house will just feel empty without her huge personality filling every millimetre of the house like normal... needs must though, and it's for her benefit, so a couple of days without her is just about OK I s'pose.

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