Saturday, 4 July 2020

Saturday 4th July 2020

Mornin' all.

I'm back to doing the once a day blog posts now.

Done the first lengths of the day and taken my pills... it's Saturday so I didn't take the FA which meant I could take the Calcium too.  The back ache I was having and the utter rage a couple of days ago was PMT, so I'm gonna be a right cowbag for the next 5 days 'cos I won't be able to control it.

The virus scan showed no nasties so that's a positive.  Gonna try taking the puppy out for her first stroll of the day now.  BBS.

I've been out for loads of hours worth of lengths and I've now, officially, given up on getting Chrome to work.  I've put my most frequent sites in Firefox now, so I just need to add them all to the start page now, then I can finally relax.  BBS.

That's that done and another set of lengths completed, so time to relax now... after the stress of the last few days, I think I deserve it.

Got another hours lengths under my belt and just one more hour to go to turn the semi-circle green again.  Almost guaranteed to hit 25k today which will hopefully get me set up for sneaking through to just about 30k on Monday, which is my next target I'm aiming for.

Need to take my evening pills before I forget, so I'll BRB again.

That's them down the hatch, so I'm dosed up for the night and I've just got one more hours worth of lengths to do, then I can head to bed.

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