Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Tuesday 7th July 2020

Mornin' all.

I've kinda walked the puppy, but she was feeling her age this morning (she's 11 years, 1 week and 1 day today), so it was just a shorter stroll, but when she came in from her poo she was back to her usual self again, so I'm pondering on taking her for part 2 in a bit now that she's recovered, then we'll be back to normal at 4pm-ish... I'll take my lead from the puppy though and if she really doesn't fancy it then I won't force her.

I've taken my pills and accidentally popped out the FA so I've put that in the organiser ready for tomorrow... you watch me forget tomorrow though 🙄🤣

The puppy didn't want to go for part two of her morning stroll, so we'll just do a longer walk this evening instead.  Keep us both on our toes 😉

It's 10.30am 🕥 and I'm only just having my breakfast 😆

I've seemingly lost the last 5 hours worth of posts in this blog for some reason❗ 😠  Ho hum.  This'll be another short blog post today then.

That's the puppy walked and fed for the last time today.  We walked a lot more and the puppy seemed to enjoy it more than this morning, so maybe it was just too early for her and she hadn't properly woken up or something❓

Heading off to bed for a relatively early night now.  See you all again at some point tomorrow.

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