Sunday, 25 February 2024

Gooooood morning all

I'm still proud of myself for yesterday but today is gonna be the real test 'cos I'm not gonna touch the controls today just to see what happens... with any luck it'll turn itself off automatically this morning and stay off until this evening.

It'll be interesting to see what my smart meter says when it wakes up... it was £2.83 when the central heating was on 24 hours a day, £1.62-ish (I can't remember exactly how much it was now) when it was just the frost protection that I couldn't turn off yesterday morning and it's been on since 4.30am so I'm guessing it'll be a bit over £1 today which is awesome!

I've taken my morning pills and the daily virus scan was still, reassuringly, clear so I've decided to treat myself to my second dose of caffeine of the week.

I've gotta remember to email GIS and I'll be able to have my second warm wash straight from the tap instead of boiling the kettle too which is awesome!  Gotta remember to take the rubbish and recycling out today too 'cos none of it went out last week so the plastic and paper/card recycling are almost full, the food waste needs to go out for the second time this year and I need to empty all the bins and take the rubbish out too, so it'll be a pretty full-on day today.

The smart meter has just woken up and it's already over £3!!!!!  Not happy at all with that!

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