Friday 23 February 2024

Mornin' all

Looks like today will be another unhealthy and unhygienic day because someone has been using my electricity again so can't afford to boil the kettle to get washed or make myself a mug of soup for lunch so it'll be another day of not eating or drinking again.  The central heating has been off since about 2.30pm yesterday, with all the radiators at 0 and the installation off/frost prevention activated which is the minimum any of it can go to.  Someone is definitely using my electricity though which is stopping me from being able to use it and stay healthy and hygienic, which I'm not happy about.

I've taken my morning pills so I've just gotta wait for my morning carer to turn up and spend another 18 minutes using her phone and reporting back to the office that I don't want to get washed or eat, just like both visits yesterday.

The virus scan was clear though, so that, at least, is reassuring.

I'm basically not a happy bunny this morning but it can't be helped but it'll be my first opportunity to put my New Years Resolution to the test.

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