Saturday 24 February 2024

Mornin' mornin'

Well, today is gonna be another high electricity usage day 'cos the central heating has been on since before 11pm last night so I'm gonna have to email my electricity providers and explain that I seemingly have no control over the central heating and the automatic switch off doesn't automatically switch off so my electricity usage from now on, for the central heating alone is gonna be £14.40 a day, then add in the other usual things like the fridge freezer and kettle and we're up to about £17 a day which is pretty much quadruple my daily budget, but never mind eh?

I've popped my morning pills and run the daily virus scan and made myself a decaff coffee so I'm good to go until my morning carer turns up.

This blog post is waaaay too long, so I'm gonna publish it then put my day's to-do list up before my carer arrives.

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