Friday, 31 August 2018

Friday 31st August 2018

Our senior pup has already been out for a huge poo, the virus scan has been started and I've just taken me morning cocktail of pills but I'm bloated with all the squash I drank to take them now  😟

Gonna take the pup out for her walk then carry on reading the book I borrowed from the library 2 days ago.

All set for the day now though, so anything else that happens is a bonus from now on.

That's the puppy walked and fed.  She only wanted to do 100% this morning though and I wasn't going to force her to walk any further so we're still at yesterday's 450% in the bank.

I've had to reboot again to get my internet connection back so I'm thinking that I just won't go online on a Friday other than to check my email as soon as I log on because otherwise I'll be rebooting every Friday because of AVG using 100% of the disk, so don't worry if you don't hear much from me on a Friday - it's nothing personal at all, I'm just trying to get the virus scan to keep running without needing to reboot each week is all!

See you all tomorrow!

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