Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Tuesday 7th August's post

The puppy only wanted 50% of her walk this morning!  No matter what I said to try and encourage her to keep walking, she refused to move from our front door, bless her!  Maybe it was too hot out there or she's feeling her age this morning or something?

Gonna take me supplements and hayfever pill now, before I forget.

That's me supplements taken.  They went down with one mouthful of squash each plus an extra one to make sure I'd swallowed all the crumbs but they went down really easily this morning!

2 surveys done and dusted so I'm gonna spend the rest of the day writing now!

Taken the hayfever pill too... totally forgot about it until I was in the air lock!  lol

That's one watch gone after waiting 33 hours past the confirmation that she could have it and I've promised the other watch to someone so just waiting to get rid of the Iron supplements now!

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