Tuesday 15 October 2024


...the jab doesn't totally screw me up for the whole of November, I'm going to treat myself to a take-away curry in celebration of writing the book that's been inside me for the last two decades.

I'll treat myself to a treat-sized choccie for every 1,000 words I write in a day, a J2O for every 5,000 I write in a day and a curry when I've hit the 50,000 words to win NaNo.

For the first time in my life it won't be a children's book and I'll be laying myself wide open but I need to write it for me as much as anything, to try and get my head around what went on between 1999 and 2004 and to try and get my head around the fact that 2003 just doesn't exist for me any more for some reason.

I'm hoping that it'll maybe be picked up by trainee GPs/Neurologists/CNSists in the hope that maybe, just maybe, I can stop someone else going through what I went through and it'll be picked up within the magic 12 week window so that they can go back to living their life, fully cured.  A simple blood test every few weeks would have lit up the diagnosis and I could have been cured and back at work in plenty of time for the Millenium Bug instead of spewing my guts up, not even being able to keep water in my stomach and being told that it was all psychosomatic.

NaNo will be writing and JanNo will be editing this year and I'm planning on lots of rewards throughout so that I don't give up entirely yet again.

It depends on how quickly I get answers from my GPs as to when it'll be ready for publication, but it'll be self-published through Amazon rather than through traditional channels because it'll be a one-off so won't be looking for a traditional publisher or agent... it'll be therapy for me as much as anything.

This blog post is waaay too long and it was only supposed to be a short one!  lol

Edit:  If you knew me when I first got ill and/or soon after I came out of hospital, can you ping me an email to AmandaGeorge@hotmail.co.uk and let me know how you knew me so that I can give you my book research email address to forward anything at all about my neurological disability that I told you/posted/emailed to you so that I can try and get things together and let me know how you want to be acknowledged in the book too so that I can give credit where it's due.

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