Sunday, 12 April 2015

OK, so I've decided what to do with the money

I've decided what to do with the cash and the things to buy with my money and I've already started too!

I've just moved £1,000 back into my account from the joint account, leaving £500 in there for the roof.

I've got just over £1,500 in my account.  £300 to go on my direct debits on 15th April, leaves me with £1,200 yeah?

Then I pay £1,000 on my credit card which leaves me with just over £1,000 left to pay on it

I'm then paid 2 weeks later (end of April), plus the £200 left over and the mid-May pay days will leave me comfortably able to pay the May direct debits then pay off another £500 at the end of May for the credit card.

So at the start of June I'll have paid for the roof and I'll only owe £500 on the credit card so I'll get Steve an anniversary pressie at the end of June and have a month off from paying more than the usual direct debits.

July will hopefully see me able to pay off the final £500 on the credit card which will leave me paying CO and B credit cards at £100 a month but I'm not so worried about them until next year... AFAIK we are both happy with the current situation so I'll keep on keeping on and be able to put an extra £300 a year better off!

So, starting in August, I'll be able to put £300 aside for Steve's car again, which he'll be able to get in the middle of 2016 and I'll have £85 a month to pay with too!  Then I'll move over £200 from my secondary account to cover insurance and breakdown cover then that's it!

If I manage to just spend on those things for the rest of 2015 and the first half of 2016, then I reckon I'll have well and truly beaten my spending addiction!  Yay!

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