Sunday, 19 January 2020

Sunday 19th January 2020

Mornin' all.

I've taken one of my morning pills so far and I'll get the others taken now before I forget... brb.

That's all my pills taken until bedtime 'cos I've taken the Calcium too, so that I can get on with filling up the pill caddy thing.

That's done as well now, so I'm gonna take the puppy out for our morning stroll as soon as I've downed the Ginger Beer.

Had our lunch (vegetarian pasta bol), taken the puppy out, updated and uploaded the walking spreadsheet then taken loads of photo's and a video of the puppy as well as asking about editing the custom food logs on Fitbit.

Just spent the day aimlessly surfing the web today and I'm gonna have an early night tonight I reckon, in preparation for the standard busy Monday madness - Monday marathon with the puppy, bringing the rubbish and recycling stuff in, taking all me pills, updating my homepage with the Fitbit stuff and then collapsing in a heap 🤣

A very short blog post today... absolutely cream crackered and I've walked 4,282 steps today, so I'm hoping that I'll hit the 5,000 steps tomorrow.  Keep yer fingers crossed 🤞 for me❗

4,301 steps and I'm off to beddy-byes now.  Nite nite orl.

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