Monday 6 January 2020

Monday 6th January 2020

Mornin' all.

Taken the puppy for her first longer marathon Monday walk this morning and she seemed when we kept walking but she walked me even further than that last Monday❗  🤣  Sooo glad I got the counter though... I forgot how many we'd done after 4 today, so relied on the counter for the majority of the lengths.  Assuming it keeps working for the rest of this week and all of next week, it'll be getting a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review from me... don't know what I did without it already and have only used it 3 times so far 🤣

Already walked 3,000 steps today but I'm hoping for another 5,000 day... keep yer fingers crossed 🤞 for me... that's my next personal challenge - 3,000 steps on the days the puppy is here and 5,000 on marathon Mondays... the days that the puppy isn't here, the target is still 2,500 though.

Someone's coming for the collar that's too small for Mitzi in the next couple of hours, then I can start/keep on writing.

Finished the first chapter of the day, this next one will be half way through the manuscript which means, unless something serious goes wrong in the next few weeks, I'll have finished JanNo it under two weeks again, just like I did with NaNo in November.  Wanna try and write 6 chapters today and tomorrow, so that I'm back on track for finishing on the 10th instead of the 11th.  I know it's only a days difference, but that is huge to me.

The collar has just gone, so I can concentrate on my writing for the rest of the day now.  TTY at the half way point in the manuscript❗

That's the Calcium taken, so that's it now until this evening.  Hoping to finish chapter 25 by the time Steve gets home then I can plug my headphones in and get into my writing headspace for the rest of the day.

Just been able to access the FTP for my homepage for the first time since Friday or Saturday, so that's all sorted now and the music is blaring through my headphones, so hoping for another 4 chapters written in the next 6-ish hours... keep yer fingers crossed 🤞 that I achieve it today and tomorrow so that I can go back to writing 5 a day❗

The puppy's going for her first trip of 2020 back with Helen (the vet nurse) tomorrow and coming back on Thursday and it's gonna be sooo painful to be without her for 2 nights this time, after having her for the last two weeks without a single night away from us... gonna miss her sooo much❗ 😢  Hopefully it won't be for much longer now though, now that we've got her weight and thyroid sorted.  Keep yer fingers crossed 🤞 that it's weeks as opposed to months now❓  Please❓

I'm off to bed for an early-ish night, but, as always, I'll be back again tomorrow.  For tonight though, I'll say nite nite orl.

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