Today's lunch couldn't have been simpler for my carer... she put my perching stool in the middle of the kitchen floor while I got the Mediterranean style vegetable couscous out of the fridge and got a fork then she spent the entire 18 minutes watching YouTube videos and talking to her friends.
I almost fell backwards and she laughed and made a grab for the mug I was holding instead of trying to support me, so it seems that as long as things don't get broken then they're not worried and have done their job <shrug> She signed out and disappeared then, leaving the perching stool in the middle of the floor, so I had to wobble my way around that, put my mug on the side then drag it back to its usual, safe, position. As long as she gets paid for socialising with her friends and watching videos, then that's OK right?
Here's today's lunch photo:
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