Sunday 29 July 2018

Sunday's post

That's the puppy walked and fed, recycling and rubbish put out and the poo cleared up from the yard and binned too.  Steve's given Mitzi her pill and done her ears and I've emptied my bin... all without an argument this week!!

Gonna take me supplements and hayfever pill now then make a start on rejecting most of today's survey's for wanting my IP address!

Hayfever pill and supplements taken now.  Bloated from all the squash it took to get 'em down though!  They were OK to get down I suppose... only crunched up the Calcium but all 3 of 'em took 2 mouthfuls of squash to get down!  😞

10 rejections... doubt I'll make it to 100 today 'cos I've only got 64 more invites to surveys so far.

20 rejections now

30 and counting

40 now.  Ideally I want another 60 rejections by the end of the day, but there are only another 34 invites to work through so far 😐

50 done, so I'm half way there now.

60 with 12 more invitations left.

70 surveys wanting to track my IP address and no more invites left  😞

2 more rejected surveys have just turned up, so that takes it to 72% of what I'm aiming for  😞

Question for the UK ladies reading this:  I'm looking for a pair of jeans that will actually fit me.  I've had a look at Debenhams, Dorothy Perkins, New Look, Littlewoods and Amazon and haven't been able to find a single pair that would fit me.

I'm a petite size 14 with huge thighs which presents 3 problems - I can find petite size 14 jeans but I wouldn't be able to get them past my knees.  I've found size 14 jeans with big thighs but they aren't petite.  I've found petite jeans with big thighs, but not size 14... get my meaning?  Manufacturers have thought of 2 of the 3 issues, but I can't find anywhere online that caters for all 3 things I'm looking for!

I've tried jeggings but couldn't get them past my knees because of my thighs, soooooo, if you enjoy shopping then find me somewhere that sells jeans that fit me and let me know the URL?  Ideally under £25 but I'm willing to go up to £40 if I really have to.

I've spotted a couple of denim jackets on Amazon, I just need the jeans to go with them lol

Got 16 more survey invites now so I'll take me pills and do 8 of 'em to take it to a nice round 80 then I'll post this and head to bed for a really early night  😃

75 now... 5 to go then that's it for today, disappointingly.

80 done and dusted and no more invites so I'm gonna leave it there until tomorrow and post this then try and find a way to listen to the radio online until I'm tired and ready for bed.

Nite nite orl!

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