Monday 22 July 2019

Monday 22nd July 2019

Gonna have a bath ready for tomorrow's ultrasound first I reckon.

Just a quick one today... wanted to be out and dressed for our puppy to come back for her visit today... can't wait!!

The puppy's home!!!

It's only for a visit, but my heart is rapidly healing now.  She's gotta go back to Steve's uncle and cousin so that they can keep treating her skin and thyroid, but right now she's back home with us again!!!

Got four photo's and two video's of the pup which'll be up on my site by the time you read this.  She's currently in her bed, deeply asleep bless 'er!

All the photo's and video's are up on my homepage now... go and take a look if you haven't seen them yet!

That's me supplements swallowed at last... the Multi misbehaved slightly, but the other 3 went down nice and easily.

Just had 10 kisses off our puppy!  Yaaay!

Just taken another photo of our baby girl:

Shopping's been and gone.  Prescriptions taken, so just waiting for the puppy to be picked up for the rest of the week's sleepovers at Steve's cousins house now, then I can head to bed, ready for the morning when I go for the ultrasound.

The puppy's just gone again... we had her for 10 hours today but my heart is breaking all over again now!  💔😢

I'm going to bed to cry myself to sleep now.  Nite nite orl  💤

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