Wednesday 10 July 2019

Wednesday 10th July 2019

Virus scan started without any kind of technical problem or anything this morning.  Firefox had an update so I was thinking it would require a reboot but it didn't, thankfully.

That's me supplements taken so time to walk the puppy now.  Steve said he'll come with us this morning.  He's dressed and got his shoes on so it's looking likely he will this morning but I won't believe it until it actually happens.

I was wrong twice over this morning.

First the puppy doesn't always poo at 8.30am 'cos while there were a few times I thought she might on our walk this morning, she didn't poo at all.

Second, I was wrong about Steve too.  He did come out with us and took the puppy for 200% of her walk.  We walked 650% today, added to Steve's 200%, means she walked 850% between us, which is great going by her.

The puppy wanted to keep walking but it just wasn't safe for me so we came home.  Maybe she wants to increase her walk to 750% like she did with me yesterday?  It was only a few weeks ago that we increased it from 500% to 650% and she seems to want to increase it again now, so I'll try and see how much it's safe for me to do with her tomorrow then take it from there.  If it's not safe then I won't even contemplate it, like I didn't this morning.  It's all very well her wanting to go for longer walks, but my body has got to get used to it too!

The post has just come.  BarclayCard are refunding me over £500 for not supporting me enough when I was struggling to make the repayments on it a few years back.  Gotta fill in a form and enclose a statement of my account but that makes a nice change and I'll be able to add it to my savings for Steve's car.  Nice, unexpected surprise this morning!  Thank you Barclaycard!

Prescriptions taken... gotta remember not to shut down tonight 'cos of the virus scan.  As soon as the pills start kicking in I'll head to bed again.

Heading to bed now.  Nite nite orl!  😴

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