Friday, 24 April 2020

Friday 24th April 2020

Mornin' all.

The puppy made friends with a cat on her walk this morning.  Mitzi was wagging her tail really fast and wanted to play with it and the cat was like "let me through, Idiot".  They bumped noses really gently and Mitzi was her usual friendly self and wanted to run after the cat when it walked away, bless 'er.

I've taken my pills now, but it's a couple of hours later than normal 'cos I completely forgot earlier, so I'll have to take the Calcium a couple of hours later too... you watch me forget though 🤣

Currently drinking my last caffeinated drink of the week and I've already drunk just over a litre already today.  I've adjusted my walking goals within the Fitbit app so that my weekly steps target is more realistic for me and not 70,000 steps a week (10k steps a day) because of my disabilities and that I'm counting genuine steps, rather than arm movements.

Chippies for lunch today then a take-away for tea... it seems to average out that our take away consumption is about monthly now, instead of the daily that it was a year or so ago, so they really are treats now instead of regular meals and it's saved a lot of money for us too as well as being healthier and helping us both to lose weight too❗  I've lost 9kg since getting the Fitbit and Steve's dropped at least one clothes size too - I'm size 14 instead of 18 now and Steve's 6XL instead of 7XL for trousers and shorts❗

Yumsk.  Simple, easy and yummy lunch that was only 150 calories and I've got plenty of room in my belly for the calorie-rich kebab tonight as well as 1,169 calories left to eat to be within my target and still be able to lose weight.


Just had an email from Equifax to say that my credit score had had a significant change, so I logged into my account and the change was that my final credit card has been deleted from my credit report.  There's only one more record (the mortgage) on my file now which is awesome 'cos my credit score improved by 52 points so I'm finally back in the green (ie "good") instead of the yellow ("fair") now❗❗❗  It's been too long since it was green, but I'm determined not to take out any more credit things now... I've learnt that lesson the hard way and if I can't afford to buy something without going overdrawn, then it just wasn't meant to be.

So unbelievably proud of myself right now.

Just had a chatette with my mum... she's just had some more plants for her garden delivered and it sounds like there's more in that part alone than she was expecting so when the second part is delivered to her tomorrow she will be over-run with plants❗  Woops❗  🤣  She won't be short of fresh fruit and vegetables though and it's one less thing for her to struggle home with when the buses start running again too.  Apparently my brother enjoys planning and planting though, so he's gonna have his work cut out next time he goes over to see her 🤣

The photo's are up on my homepage now - took an hour for them to send from my phone for some reason, but they are up there for you to see if you want to now.

Just taken my last couple of pills of the day, so I'm gonna head to bed now.  Nite nite orl.

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