Wednesday 1 April 2020

Wednesday 1st April 2020

Mornin' all.

The puppy poo'd three times on her walk this morning and as a responsible, law-abiding citizen, I picked them all up and brought the bag home with me.  Was shaking like a leaf after I'd picked them up to bring home with us, so I hope I get intense lines in my active minutes for those 🤣

I've taken my pills and they went down kinda OK-ish so I'm hoping that'll mean the same for my day... keep yer 🤞 fingers crossed 🤞 for me please❗

Still virus free, so gonna do my back-ups for another week now.  BBS❗

Back-ups sorted so I can relax for another week now.

Got loads of photo's and a video on my site now.  I did all my first of the month admin first thing after I'd brought the puppy home from our stroll, so the first page loads oneheckuva lot faster now 🤣

My pills are kicking in so I'm gonna head to bed now.  Short post today for a change.  Nite nite orl.  💤

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