Sunday 19 February 2023

Mornin' all

How are you all doing this morning?

Me?  I'm absolutely wiped out but I managed over 8 hours of sleep overnight for the fourth time this week so my sleeping pattern is getting there slowly now.

I've just taken my morning pills and started the virus scan, so that's another couple of things off today's to-do list.  I'm gonna spend the day with my in-laws again, so I won't put up a to-do list for today 'cos there won't be much to cross off it and I've already done 3 of this mornings things, so it's pointless really, right?

I'm pondering on not having any breakfast this morning, but I haven't decided for sure yet.

Ah sod it, I will put up a to-do list for today and I will have breakfast too.  Why break from the norm and make myself ill through hunger?

Gotta remember to put the rubbish and recycling out today otherwise I'll be left with rubbish for 3 weeks instead of two.

The virus scan was reassuringly still clear, so I'm gonna publish this now and get my to-do list then breakfast sorted out while I wait for my morning carer.

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