Friday, 21 February 2020

Friday 21st February 2020

Morning all.  How are you all doing so far today❓  Hope you're OK❗

I've taken the puppy out for her stroll and we walked a bit slower than normal to test out my theory and I gained an extra 3 active minutes on my Fitbit (you can save 28% on it if you get it now... not sure how long it'll be reduced price though), so I'm gonna try walking the puppy slowly this afternoon too, to see if I can get it past 10 minutes so that it's recorded as active minutes.

I've taken my pills and they all went down pretty easily again, so I'm hoping that means today is gonna be a good day.  Haven't taken the FA 'cos I took it yesterday, so I've taken all three FA pills this week now and don't wanna OD on them.  Need to take my Calcium now though, before I forget it... hold on❗

OK, that's the Calcium swallowed, so that's it until this evening now.

Just brushed me teeth... almost forgot to use the mouthwash again 🤣

Got more photo's of the puppy dog, still in her nest... maybe she's wiped out after our morning stroll or something❓

OK, all the photo's are up on my homepage now.  The puppy was making the most of her nest while I took them... it's the only time she stays still enough for me to take photo's that are actually in focus 🤣

That's the puppy walked for the second time and I remembered to go really slowly but it still hasn't shown up in Fitbit so I'll just have to get used to only the morning strolls showing up.

Steve's just called me for lunch, so I'm gonna put my laptop on the floor and go and get it now... BBS.

Cor lummy, I'm stuffed now.  Significantly over target with the calories in versus the calories out so far today, so I'm hoping that'll be in the green by the time I go to bed... I've been significantly under target every day for the last couple of weeks at least, so one pig-out should hopefully even things out a bit... an occasional calorie pig-out is OK innit❓❓

Just bought myself a Fitbit Charge 3 on eBay and it didn't cost me a penny, thanks to Nectar.  It's definitely worth those extra couple of clicks to get points/cashback so that you can save up for bigger purchases like this without it costing you a penny❗  Even better is that I've still got over £50 worth of Nectar points still to spend❗

Just bid on a pair of jeans on eBay too.  My maximum bid is £1.01 and I'm reluctant to pay much more than that 'cos they've got a couple of holes in them that Steve reckons his mum won't mind patching up and I'm reluctant to spend too much until I'm back down to the clothes size that is healthy for my height and clothes size is stable, then I'll look into buying more jeans and trousers in that size... hopefully I'll be there by the end of the year, but I'm not pressuring myself or denying myself the things I want to eat in the meantime, 'cos that's not maintainable and I'll put weight on when I eventually allow myself those treats that I was denying myself.  I'm just cutting down portion sizes and walking more so I'm losing the weight slowly but surely... best way to do it according to the doc the first time I was weighed back in October after getting the Fitbit and I've already lost 5kg and a clothes size since then❗  Slow but sure wins the race.

Gonna take my last two pills of the day and head to bed for an early night now.  Nite nite orl... see you all again tomorrow.

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