Saturday, 13 October 2018

Saturday 13th October 2018

Just paid the last £79.39 to the liquidation bods.

As predicted I didn't get to sleep until pretty much my normal bedtime despite going to bed a couple of hours early.  Woke up with another splotty botty too, so, yet again, I'll be going back and forward urgently all day again.  😕

The intense scan is at 49% now so it'll be sorted by the time I come down tomorrow morning, then I can back up everything and turn my likkle laptop off to let the battery cool down.

10 minutes.

That's how long between visits to the bathroom today!  😟

50% now, so it's 1% every 10 minutes, so, in theory, it'll be finished in 500 minutes, which I can't see happening 'cos that's less than 9 hours instead of the minimum of 17 that it'll realistically take!

The pup was ready for her walk as soon as I called "walkies" this morning!!  She was desperate for a wee as soon as I opened the front door and was squatting down for a minute longer than she usually is.  She's usually finished weeing before I've even closed the front door and is desperate to start walking but she was still weeing for about a minute with me just standing there waiting for her!

Bless her furry little paws!

That's me 3 supplements taken too, so I'm all set for the day now!

The virus scan is at 52% now, so it's still doing 1% every 10 minutes, so it's currently on track for finishing at bed time after all!  As long as it's at at least 90% by 8pm I'll have a late night otherwise I'll head to bed for another early night and do the back up first thing tomorrow, same as normal.

Had the ESA form through the post this morning.  Had to get Steve to fill it out for me 'cos I can't remember how to write, but it was for income-related instead of contribution-based for some reason, which I've never had before... did they send the wrong form or is it in addition to the contribution based one??

So confusing!!

Too late to do anything about it now though 'cos it's already filled in and in the envelope!

Wish me luck that I get awarded it!

The virus scan is at 63% now and it's 1.27pm so I doubt it'll be finished by the time I go to bed so I'll have an early night and do the backing up as soon as I come down tomorrow I reckon.

First survey of the day done and dusted.

6.47pm and it's 71% of the way through the virus scan so I'm gonna head to bed for another early night.

Nite nite orl!

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