Sunday 7 October 2018

Sunday 7th October 2018

That's the pup walked, fed and watered... she wanted to go for her walk before me this morning!

Cleared up and binned the pup's poo from the back yard all on me own this week... t'was a struggle but I still managed it.

The rubbish bag, cardboard bag and recycling are all out too without any arguments this week!

Go team!

Just gotta take me morning cocktail now and wait for Mitzi's flea treatment to turn up then I can relax for the day!

The hayfever pill, Iron and Multi went down with no probs at all, but the Calcium crumbs went everywhere again.  Took 3 mouthfuls of squash to get 'em all down and I is bloated now, because of it!  😞

Had a tiny square of Steve's lemon drizzle cake between the hayfever pill and the 3 supplements and can still taste it now!  Yuckerama!

That's the yearbook finished with and the spreadsheet updated... not bad for 2 days work!

Mitzi's flea and tick treatment has just arrived so we'll put it on her after Steve's finished watching the new Dr Who... he's already complained that there hasn't been any "twiddly intro music yet" and it's only been going for 3 minutes!  lol

The pup was awesome about having her treatment sorted and she's protected for 8 weeks now too which is brilliant... just need to remember to put the second dose on - I can almost guarantee I'll forget, so I hope Steve remembers lol

OK, put the 2 future treatments into my laptop's calendar... just need to remember where I've put the box now!  lol

Me prescription is starting to kick in, so I'm gonna head to bed now.

Nite nite again orl!

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