Wednesday 10 October 2018

Wednesday 10th October 2018

The puppy was reluctant to go for her stroll today.  Was a nightmare to get her off the sofa and into her harness then when I eventually got her out of the door she only wanted to do 50% of the walk!  I encouraged her to do the full length and she refused to move away from the front door that time so it's a good job she'd completed the compulsory 100% by then!  lol

Fed and watered the pup but I haven't taken me morning cocktail yet 'cos someone came to the door just as I was about to get them out of the drawer!

It was the cushion and hearing aid batteries that I bought with the vouchers I had for my birthday and I'm loving the cushion already!  The pup has now got cushions to lie on because it was too high up for me to even perch on with the added height of the new cushion!

Gonna leave a 5 star review of it on Amazon and this blog now... the review will be below or above this post 'cos I don't publish this until I'm about to shut down for the night.

That's me daily cocktail taken.  That's the last of the hayfever pills taken and I genuinely didn't get any benefit from them at all.  Only wasted £20ish this time though 'cos they were Sainsbury's own brand as opposed to at least triple that amount for big name brands that work equally c**ply.

I'm sure that some people get benefit from them, it's just that I never have is all and I've suffered since childhood, spent hundreds on every hayfever pill over the 3 decades that I've had hayfever and none of them have ever worked and people don't believe me when I tell them that!

Only got 3 pills to take every morning instead of 4 now though!  👍👍

Got $1.79 in survey rewards overnight.  I agree that it's not an earth-shattering amount, but every cent matters, I reckon!

First survey of the day was, thankfully, quick and easy to complete!

Virus and malware free again.  Love AVG!

I is cream crackered so I'm heading to bed now.

Nite nite orl!

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