Sunday 8 May 2022

Mornin' all

I've just done yesterday's support adding up and I was only 4 minutes away from 75 hours this week which means that 85 hours should be pretty easy this week.  My carer is yet to reach 2 hours, so there's no way to reach the minimum of 35 hours now 'cos there are less than 18 hours left in the week and I'm likely to be asleep for 4 of those hours which takes it down to only 14 hours of the weekend, which is less than half of what he's got left to do to reach the minimum.  Assuming he makes lunch, I might get 2 hours of care out of him for the entire week which is 33 hours below what he says he does and I've already more than doubled it.  I bet he hasn't been doing the caring spreadsheet either so he'll keep saying that he "does everything for her" whenever he's asked, which is total and utter bollox.

Sorry, don't know where that rant suddenly came from!

I've gotta take my morning pills, run the daily virus scan, water the seedlings, do the news, take the rubbish and recycling outside, then keep reading and reviewing yesterdays book, so I'd best get started while I remember!

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