Friday, 13 December 2019

Friday 13th December 2019 - part 2

Back now!

My PIP mandatory reconsideration result came through the door while we were at Steve's parents.  It's the same result so Steve's just emailed the CAB lady again.  The same thing happened last year but I had to go to appeal so I'll do that this time too - in my wheelchair, now that I know that there's a wheelchair accessible taxi I can use.  I'm gonna fight it every step of the way.  Again.  But I have the CAB on my side this time, so if I was awarded it on appeal just on my own last year then there's no reason to think I won't be this time now that I have professional support on my side.

We're having a Subway sarnie for lunch and I'm absolutely starvin' so it can't come soon enough - speaking of which, it's just arrived.  I'm gonna enjoy this.

Put 6 photo's of our puppy dog up on my homepage if you wanna go and have a  look?

Fitbit is "failing to bond" again, and restarting the app twice hasn't worked, so I'm gonna try rebooting... BBS❗

It's bonding now, but still only showing 2 days of exercise instead of the 3 that it should be.  Gonna take me pills... hold on.

OK, they are all taken, so I'll head to bed as soon as I've finished my decaf coffee.

That's the coffee finished, so I'm off to bed 🛌.

Nite nite orl 💤.

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