Wednesday 18 December 2019

Wednesday 18th December 2019

Mornin' all.

Just manually started the weekly anti-virus deep scan 'cos it didn't kick in automatically for some reason.  Not to worry though, it's going through now.

Time to take me morning pills I reckon, hold on while I do that❗

OK, they're all swallowed.  Not too bad... not the best ever but also far from the worst.  Got a stomach full of liquid now though 🤣

Still virus free and it finished in about 3 hours again, so I can do my backups after I've had my lunch (home-made zooop - same as every Wednesday, thanks to Steve's mum) and relax for the rest of the day then.

Mmmm 🤤, yummy as always❗  Thank you to Steve's mum❗

Taken the Calcium now, thankfully relatively easily again.  Listening to my first ever podcast on writing for children.

Having issues with my external hard drive again 😞

OK, it's working again now so after it's finished I'll create the restore point then relax for the rest of the day.  😌

Gotta add a couple of pages to my writing site, but they aren't showing up in FileZilla for some reason, so I'm thinking I need to reboot to totally reset it annoyingly.  Gonna wait until this Podcast episode finishes first though.  The backups finished first time this week, thankfully, so maybe I need to listen to a podcast every Wednesday while I'm backing up, then reboot et voila hopefully❗

Had to re-code both the new page and the navigation pointing to it, which was annoying, but it's sorted now.

Time to check my email and catch up with forums and Facebook posts now.

Just taken my last two pills of the day, so I'll wait for the second one to disolve then publish this blog post and head to bed for an early night.

Done under 1,000 steps today and the pills are starting to kick in, so I'm off to bed.

Nite nite orl❗  Sea ewe in the morning❗

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