Saturday 21 December 2019

Saturday 21st December 2019

Morning all and I hope my fellow Pagans enjoy Yule today... happy new year to each one of you❗

Time to take my morning pills now.

They all went down reasonably easily again this morning, thankfully, so I can get on with the rest of my morning now.  Gotta take the puppy out for our morning stroll first though❗

We're back now.  She was a good little girl on her walk then went straight out the back for a wee and a poo 💩.  She seems to understand how difficult I find it to pick up her poo 💩 on her walk, so she waits until we get home... it was the same yesterday too.  She's made next Sundays clearing up nice and easy for me, cos today's poo 💩 is right next to yesterday's poo 💩 - such a clever puppy❗

Got 2 photo's and a video of the puppy dog so that's gonna keep me busy for a while 🤣

OK, the photo's and video are up on my homepage now and the recycling has just been collected, so I brought the box in and Steve took it through to the kitchen for me... thank you Steve❗

That's the Calcium crunched up and swallowed, so I'm all sorted until this evening now.

More photo's of the puppy on the back of the puppy, that I'll put up as soon as they come through and get resized... don't think anyone would appreciate 30mb just for 5 photo's of the puppy 🤣

Taken me last two pills of the day so I'm off to bed now... sea ewe orl in the morning❗

Nite nite orl❗

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