Tuesday 24 December 2019

Tuesday 24th December 2019

Mornin' all.

I'm thinking that today will be a good day 'cos I've already had a bath, got dressed, had something to eat so that I can take my morning prescription without throwing up and taken all 5 of my morning pills with no problems at all❗  On top of that, the puppy's coming home at some point today too so we'll be getting kisses and waggy tails and love again too.  I hope the rest of the day continues to be so good for me❗

Sorted out my Fitbit page with no issues too❗  So far so good with today going well❗

Just taken my Calcium and that went down really easily too... maybe my achievements, first thing, really were an indication of how well today would go❓❗

Must be Christmas 'cos we're having red sauce on our burgers instead of mayonnaise today❗

Just emptied my bin 'cos it was overflowing and the bags my MIL got are double the height and five times the strength so I'll be able to use a single one instead of three and be able to pass the half full bag over to Steve for his rubbish too❗  It'll be one white bin bag between us a week, rather than 6 just for me❗  I reckon they would be more expensive but they are sooo worth those pennies extra❗

Well over target with the calories for me lunch... 236 calories over and still got one meal to go 🤣.  Prolly won't have any tea tonight though, 'cos I'm already totally stuffed and my evening prescriptions don't need a lined stomach, so I'll just keep drinking pop, tea and coffee until tomorrow now.  Prolly didn't help having the crisps at almost lunchtime... I'll never learn 🤣

Just bought Steve's anniversary pressie (end of June) 🤣  No-one can say I'm leaving it to the last minute❗  🤣  It's coming from America and takes 7-10 days to produce and then 4-6 weeks to be delivered 🤣


Straight into her bed and fallen asleep... yesterday's marathon as well as playing with Helen's dogs for the last 20-ish hours must have worn the poor puppy out, bless 'er❗

I've hopefully moved my weekly virus scan temporarily from tomorrow to Thursday so that I can still use my computer before we go to Steve's folks tomorrow.  It's only once a year so I've gotta remember to move it back to Wednesdays when it finishes on Thursday 🤣.  Same with the backups and restore point reminders too.  Keep yer fingers crossed 🤞 that I remember to check tomorrow though.

That's the puppy fed and she's gone straight back to her bed now, bless 'er... she's had a busy start to the week so it's no wonder that she's so tired❗

That's the last 2 pills of the day taken, so I'm gonna head to bed as soon as they start kicking in 👍

Gonna log off now and head to bed 🛌.  Nite nite orl❗

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