Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Mornin' all.

I've done 2 hours worth of lengths and about to do my third, so I'll BRB

Back now, and Marie's taking me to get my blood pressure and weight checked tomorrow now.

Almost time for my fourth lengths of the day, so I'm gonna head out there now... BBS again.

Up to 7 hours completed now, so I'm half way to getting a green semi circle again, for the second time this week.

Just put a photo of the puppy dog up on my site and I'm gonna go and do this hours lengths now... BBS.

9 hours out of the way and about to start on hour 10 of the 14.  It definitely helped to use my quad cane, 'cos it felt like I was only out there for a couple of minutes rather than the hours it felt like this morning and I feel more confident about using my quad cane now, which will really help when I take the puppy out for her first walk in 15 days, tomorrow, 'cos I had to self-isolate needlessly.

I DID IT!!!  Didn't think about it until literally seconds before I did it, but I stepped down and then back up the entrance to the back yard❗❗❗  I've been using the frame of the door to clamber up and down for the last 14 days without even thinking about trying it without holding on to the frame, but I did it by leaning heavily on my quad cane and hoping that I didn't fall flat on my face❗  I'm gonna try and remember to do the same for the last four trips into the back yard, but it's done wonders for my confidence now.

That's another hour done and dusted and I clambered down and up again, but nowhere near as confidently as an hour ago.  I wanna try and climb down and up the kerbs outside the house and at the doctors tomorrow, totally alone, but having someone there just in case will give me a confidence boost 'cos that's exactly what it is, lack of confidence causing my anxiety.

Being forced to self-isolate for the last two weeks has done wonders for my confidence, but tomorrow will be the real test of just how confident I feel 'cos I'll be leaving the house for the first time in 15 days and 4 hours.  If I don't fall over tomorrow I'll feel sooo good going to bed.

So that it's not a shock to either of us, I'm gonna walk the puppy in the evenings only until the weekend, then back to twice a day at the weekend, ready for 'marathon Monday' again.  If all that goes OK then we'll be back to normal again when our legs have got used to it again.

That's another hours lengths done and dusted.  It's gonna be 6pm at the very earliest that I take the puppy out for her stroll tomorrow... it's just waaaay too hot out there to do it any earlier and not get too hot.  It's still reasonably light at 8pm, so it might even be then that I take her out.

Gotta remember the weekly virus scan starts tomorrow too, so I'll come down, turn my laptop on and get in the bath so that I don't stink Marie's car or the doctors surgery out too badly at lunchtime.

Almost time for my last lengths of the day and I've got a book to read and review that I'll hopefully feel unexhausted enough to start on when I get home from walking the puppy at about this time tomorrow evening.  Need to remember to have a bath first thing though 🤣  Gonna be weird not doing any lengths, but I don't wanna risk not being well enough to walk to the doctors surgery door and finding the bell to ring to let me in.  If I don't feel up to walking the puppy tomorrow evening, then that's OK too, I just don't want my legs to give way on me and not being able to get back up is all.

That's the last lengths of the day completed, pills taken and I'm completely exhausted now, so gonna do one last check of my email and Facebook then I'm heading to bed for a really early night.

Off to bed now.  Nite nite orl 💤

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