Sunday 28 June 2020

Sunday 28th June 2020

Mornin' all.

The deep virus scan is running atm so can't check my emails all day, but it's only once a month that I do it and the peace of mind is worth it.  Means that I can get straight on with the planning, reading and reviewing that needs to be done without any temptation do "just do a quick check of my email, it'll only take a minute, if that" which turns into the best part of an hour and I've lost all concentration and memory about what I was doing before it.

I've taken my morning pills and walked the puppy - she was coping really well with it this morning, so we did an extra 8-10% in preparation for tomorrow.  If I take her out this evening I'll do the same then too so that tomorrow isn't too much of a shock to either of us.  It'll be the first time in 2 (or is it 3?) weeks that we've done a 'Marathon Monday' walk so I want us both to be safe while we're walking it tomorrow.

I'm charging up my fitness tracker before I go out the back for my first set of laps of the day.

Also just emailed the Council about seeing a cat pooing while we were on our walk.  I don't want to be accused of it being our senior puppy dog, so I've asked if it would be possible to test it if the family the cat belongs to complain about it.

Gonna put my fitness tracker back on my wrist, go for a wee then do my first set of lengths of the day.  BBS.

That's the lengths done and dusted, so I can keep planning for the next half an hour now, before I need to reattach the wrist band back onto the tracker and go out for the 11am 🕚 lengths.

Lengths sorted for another hour and I've got 22 chapters left to plan out, then that's it, finito and I just need to read and review the picture book then.

Let's see how many chapters I can plan in the next 35 minutes.

That's another hours lengths done and I've now got... hold on... 18 to go, so I managed to plan 4 chapters in the last hour, which is a big disappointment and I'm gonna try and do better in the next hour as well as having my lunch 🍴 of squished up eggs... simple but yummy - nowt wrong with that at all.

This last hour has been a lot better, 9 chapters planned out in about 45 minutes and I've just got 9 more to go, so it's time to start slowly tieing up loose ends now.  I'm hoping that I'll have it totally planned out before 5pm so that I can get out of Chikako's head and into the right headspace for reading a picture book then reviewing it on my writing site and blog.

Just had to take a paracetamol for the first time in several months because of my back pain... it feels very much like the Endometriosis pain used to, so maybe it's "that time of the month" for me now that my coil has moved out of place?  It's either that or the affects of me making a conscious effort to straighten my posture today.  Either way, I hope the paracetamol kicks in soon.

The pain is so bad that I feel sick now, so I've cracked open a can of ginger beer to hopefully ease the nausea.  The pain is starting to ease, so hopefully the nausea will improve now too.  I'm not often nauseous any more, so when it does happen it's obvious that I'm feeling hideous.

That's the 5pm stroll completed very slowly and cautiously.  I'm starting to feel slightly better now - the paracetamol and ginger beer combination is working now, so I'm gonna finish off the planning then take the puppy out for her second stroll then read and review the picture book.  It's taken longer than I was hoping and I'm feeling a lot worse than I was hoping, but I'll still be able to get the review sorted before I head to bed, like I was hoping for when I came downstairs this morning.

That's the book read and reviewed, my 7pm lengths done and dusted and my back is starting to get painful again, but I can't take any more painkillers until 8pm 😞

The whole day tomorrow is mine though, so I might just veg out for the entire day after the puppy's morning stroll.

Just taken my last two pills of the day... almost 1½ hours late, but they and my last dose of paracetamol are down the hatch now and I'm gonna take the puppy for her last stroll of the day then head to bed I reckon.

The spreadsheet is up on my site, so it's time to hit the sack now.  Nite nite orl, sea ewe in the morning.

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