Sunday 28 November 2021

Updated grocery order

My carer is going to be having his chicken curry on Friday, so I'll be having raw peppers, raw carrots and some seeds which is better than I've had today.

I've added some spices to the order ready for when it's delivered along with my peppers and carrots, so the totals now look like this:

My stuff:  £6.09
Steve's stuff:  £12.41
Joint stuff:  £29.33

So I'm happy with that right now, but I can pretty much guarantee that it'll change again before I head to bed tomorrow 'cos it always does.  I've got a packet of seeds on the order as well as the carrots and peppers that Steve doesn't like which has bumped the price up by about £2.50 but I'm OK with that 'cos it's not often that I get things for myself, so I'm hoping that the seeds at least will be a regular thing for me and hopefully the carrots and peppers too, but next week is an experimental week to see how much I get through before I make it a definite regular thing.

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