Friday, 26 November 2021

Mornin' all

How are you all doing today?

I've spent the morning caring for my carer and making his breakfast for him, so I reckon it's gonna be another day of a significant amount of caring and very few blog posts again.

I've taken my morning pills and had my brekkie so I'll put the photo of that up in a sec.  It's supposed to be Super Noodles for lunch today but I won't believe it until it's in front of me 'cos I've already had this weeks two cooked lunches.


The virus scan was clear and my pills went down OK, but I've got another cold to sniff and cough my way through for the next week or so.

Time to go and make myself a bottle of squash, just like I did last night after asking my carer to do it for 3 days, then I'll crack on with the news.

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