Wednesday, 10 November 2021

That's the virus scan finished and...

...the backups pretty much finished too, so I'll be able to get everything put away hopefully before Steve gets home then I'll be able to keep on caring for my carer this afternoon.

I've just brushed my teeth and made myself a caffeinated coffee for the first time in about 2 weeks, so I'll be rushing off to the bathroom every five minutes this afternoon 🙄 🤣... it's my first one since the end of October though, so I think I'm allowed it again after giving my bladder a rest for around about 2 weeks, don't you?  😉  Think I need to go back to having a touch of sugar in each coffee again too, 'cos I've already halved the strength and I've still started to dislike the taste again.

I'm gonna write a tutorial on how to leave a comment on a blog too, 'cos someone mentioned that they were having difficulties with leaving one for me yesterday, so maybe that's the same for others too?  I love reading the comments people leave for me... makes me want to keep on keeping on!

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