Saturday 18 May 2019

Saturday 18th May 2019

Missing our baby girl soo much!  Been the longest 18 hours and counting without her.  She's the smallest member of our likkle family but her love and personality fills the house entirely!

I cried myself to sleep last night 'cos I knew she wasn't down here!

Gonna take me supplements then start studying and hope I can concentrate without her in the house!

That's the supplements swallowed and I'm thinking, depending on what time she get's home, I'll take the puppy out for a short stroll when she gets back as long as she's not too wiped out.  She's got the majority of yesterday morning's food left too!

Time to start trying to study.

She's home!  Our baby girl is back home!!

Hasn't said hello to either of us yet, is just getting her sent back on everything, bless her, but that's OK 'cos she's home now!  Yaaaaaaay!  I can now relax and the house is filling with love and her personality again, which is awesome.  The last 20 hours have been so empty without our little baby girl!

I can relax again now and the love is filling the house back up as I type this.  Our likkle family is complete again now... I never want to be without her for more than a few hours (like when she goes to get groomed or goes on her play dates or whatever) ever again!

Got 90% on the third course assessment and just scraped through the first two, so I've just got the end of course assessment to do now which I've gotta get at least 80% on too... wish me luck!

Got a score of 84% for the final assessment, which ain't bad going considering I didn't even do a section of the course that several of the questions came from!  T'was the most useful to me part of the entire course too!  Done now though and I'm heading to bed for an early night.

Nite nite orl!

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