Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Wednesday 22nd May 2019

Gonna take the pup for her walk, brush me teeth then take me supplements and start studying.

The puppy is going for another sleep-over today so the house is going to feel empty without her huge personality again  😟

That's me supplements taken and the puppy is asleep, so I'm gonna brush me teeth now then wake her up to go on her walk.

Teeth brushed so time to walk the pup now.

Puppy has been walked, fed and watered so I can get on with studying now.  Which first though?  The online security certificate methinks.

Hmmm.  Maybe not.  I can't get to the New Skills Academy atm  😕

I'll do some of the 2-3 hour courses on Alison instead then.

Starting off with a 5-6 hour one that is: Introduction to Banking.  Hope there isn't too much maffs in it 😟 otherwise I'll give up now lol

It *is* mainly maffs and I'm already confused after only 2 topics in the first module!

Gonna stop studying that course and find a different one instead.

Word 2016 - Features and Functionality is gonna be today's course, as long as it doesn't get too complicated too quickly.

We're watching a programme on Horizon about Alastair Campbell's depression and he's just said about exercising helping.

I've found that too.

Since coming off the AD and walking the pup every morning it has definitely helped my mood and motivation.  There are still times when I can't find the motivation to do stuff, but our diet is a lot healthier too and I just push through it now.  The first few weeks were horrible and I still have down days, but the good days usually outnumber the bad now and I can only put that down to our better diet every day and walking the puppy every morning.  Tomorrow is gonna be horrible 'cos I'll miss walking the puppy in the morning, but I might go for a walk anyway.  Just up and down the street then come home, just to get me set up for the day again, same as I do every morning with our puppy.

Might see if Steve wants to come with me too, but I won't pressure him if he doesn't fancy it, just like this morning.

Just asked him and he said "might do" so we'll see if he still fancies it tomorrow.

Soup for lunch today 'cos neither of us are that hungry.  Fine by me 'cos it means I don't have to move me laptop and I can drink it (cos it'll be in a mug instead of a bowl) as I'm watching the video!  Still counts as a home-prepared meal too 'cos it ain't a take-away!

That's me prescription taken and I'm about to take the end of course assessment... it was supposed to take 3-4 hours, but it's actually taken a minimum of 8!

88% on the final assessment and it's taken almost double the time it said it would!

I'm not complaining though, it's another course done and dusted and out of the way.

The pup's gone for her sleep-over and I'm cream crackered so I'm heading to bed.

Nite nite orl!

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