Taken the rings off my little finger and left them upstairs so that the base of the finger can recover.
Taken me supplements so it's time for the senior little puppy's walk now then revision, studying, assessments and end of course test to do... assuming the site stays up today of course!
That's the puppy walked, fed and watered - 4000% total in the walkies bank this week. For some reason she's more tired than usual too... maybe she's starting to feel her age? She's 10 years old at the end of June, so I'm guessing it is that.
That's me teeth brushed and spreadsheets saved, so I'm gonna code and upload then get on with studying again.
That's the spreadsheets uploaded and the disability page updated so it's time for me to study now!
Took me 2 attempts, but I've just passed the Body Language course, despite no revision either time! Gonna put it on my navigation page then relax for the first time in 3 days lol
That's me prescription taken. Went down nice and easy this evening. As soon as my laptop has charged up again I'm gonna have another early night.
Not even 7.45pm and I'm wiped out so heading to bed.
Nite nite orl!
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