Wednesday 4 October 2023

Mornin' all

How are you all getting along this morning?

I'm doing OK, just very cold and tired.

I remembered last night, literally as I was closing all my programmes down for the night, that I had to charge my FitBit up (it was down to 61% when I realised) and my mobiles were in the 20's too, so I gave them all a rapid bit of juice to see them through the night and put all three on to charge as soon as I came down this morning.

I also remembered, thanks to the reminder on my phone, that it's the weekly virus scan and backup session today, so I managed to stop myself from opening my email programmes and started it off at 5.38am... just gotta remember not to open my email programmes until they've both been done now lol

Have I already said that I've popped my morning pills, 'cos I have.

My FitBit is already up to 91% so I'm gonna leave it charging until 6.15am and put it back around my ankle until my first carer of the day has gone and I've had my breakfast.

Time to get the day's to-do list put up methinks.

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