Sunday 1 October 2023

Third update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan - it checks a lot more things now and it found an advanced issue which is now resolved
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Fill kettle with water
  • Boil water in preparation
  • Have breakfast
  • Put breakfast photo up on here and Instagram
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Refill kettle ready for tomorrow
  • Sort out email addresses
  • Create memorial site - the bones are there, just gotta keep working on the content on Monday
  • Do my laps - I've lost too much weight to do them this week
  • Do the news
  • Find new Pagan forum - will I be approved on any of the 3 I've applied to today?
  • Give my MIL her bowl and tray back
  • Have lunch
  • Eat 2 pears - there were 7 pears so I'm just having 1 today
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram - very rarely do on a Sunday
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Refill dosette box ready for next week
  • Refill bottle with squash
  • Bag up rubbish
  • Take rubbish outside
  • Take recycling outside
  • Take food waste container outside
  • Email webhosts about the errors on the pages
  • Phone pharmacy on Monday
  • Give hallway mat away to Freegler/bin it tomorrow
  • Give Graze vouchers away to Freeglers
  • Read and review 3 Kindle Unlimited books
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

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