Friday 23 September 2022

Did a couple of...

...fairly interesting surveys this afternoon and opened up my NaNo21 novel which is exactly 50,000 words, so my to-do list for tomorrow is to attempt to do the news as soon as I come down, hopefully have breakfast then spend the rest of the day on editing my NaNo novel.  It'll hopefully be doable, but I'll be listening to my body closer than normal tomorrow and I'll be stopping and going to bed as soon as it tells me to.  Plan for the rest of the day is to keep doing surveys as soon as they come in and heading to bed pretty much as soon as I've taken my evening pills tonight so that I can give my body a chance to catch up on the 2 hours it was short of today.  I'm not gonna push myself at all and my body will get what it tells me it needs otherwise I'll end up seriously regretting it.

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