Tuesday 27 September 2022

Well, I tried to...

...do the watering, but there was still plenty of wetness left in the pots, so I decided to leave it for another day and made myself a drinking choccie instead.  I'm over budget calorie-wise now, but barely, so I'll see if I can squeeze another one in before I take my last pills of the day, 'cos I remembered why I need to be overweight until the New Year - because of NaNo!  


I'll be living on instant soup and J2O's for the first week or so, so I'm expecting to lose a pretty considerable amount of weight purely through lack of daily calories and being too focussed on what I'm writing to sort out full meals for the first 7-10 days of November and January, so I'm not gonna deny myself high calorie foods and drinks between now and the middle of January.  I'm already overweight, but I wanna get about a kilo or two overweight so that I don't rapidly become underweight accidentally.

It'll be drinking chocolates whenever I fancy 'em for the next few months without giving myself a guilt trip about it.  I'd prefer to be overweight than underweight 'cos I can just re-start doing my laps, if necessary, to lose any extra weight I end up carrying.

The Bourbon biscuits are really high calorie, as are mince pies (the ones that we got delivered today are 225 calories each) and the vegan crisps are like 500-600 calories per bag too, so I'll just stock up on the biscuits and crisps each week between now and the middle of January.

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