Monday 11 July 2022

3 down, 2 prepared and 6 to go

I've been working on something confidential for someone all day today.  It's in 3 parts and 11 sections within each part.  I've managed to sort out the first draft of each section within each part, I've sorted 3 sections completely today and there are two ready to go when I've got them approved and I'll work on the edits and hopefully the recording of the other 6 sections and hopefully be able to record at least a few of them by bed time tomorrow.  I've got a clearer idea of what's required now, so I'll be able to sort the editing out tomorrow morning, wait for approval, hopefully by tomorrow afternoon, then start to record on Wednesday.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll all be sorted out before the weekend so that I can get ready for the funeral in the middle of next week.

I'm gonna take my pills now though, and start shutting down all my apps so that I can hopefully have an early night tonight.

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