Wednesday 6 July 2022

I was wrong, I'm sorry

I predicted a little while ago that the Olio person would turn up just as I was about to start the backups.

I was wrong.  I'm sorry.

The backups are under way now and the Olio person hasn't come yet, so I wanna apologise for my mistake.  They are 26% complete and there's "about 46 minutes" left to go, so hopefully that'll all be done and dusted well before lunch so that I can put the external hard drive away and check my emails for the first time today.

Surprisingly, my carer has been awake for almost half an hour since his credit card phone call which is a rare treat for me, but he's listening to something that's covering the resignations by 13 members of the government so far this morning.  Steve's wanting to know if the Prime Minister is gonna resign before "Prime Ministers Questiontime" in Parliment lol  I don't usually follow politics in any way, shape or form, but our poor old PM is really in deep doo-doo atm lol

We're not gonna have the vegetarian chicken bits with our pasta and sauce at lunchtime after all, so I've added a couple of sweet and sour sauces and a couple of vegetarian curry sauces to Tuesday's order instead.  Means messing around with the menu's but that's OK as long as we get to eat a cooked lunch every day!

When the backups have finished and the Olio person has been and gone, I'll go and make us both a drink 'cos my throat is as dry as a dessert atm!

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